Useful Information

Coronavirus recovery articles

Emma Hollis forwarded this lovely article with us, which we wanted to share with you:

Emma has also sent us a sustainable recovery guide for school leaders which you may find useful. A copy is available to view here:


Reopening protocols for classrooms

Judith at Melbury has kindly forwarded to us a copy of their reopening protocols for the classroom, which other schools may find useful:

Health and Safety

David Thompson (LA Schools Health and Safety Manager) has produced an updated Risk Assessment (Version 2) for the re-opening of schools. This version has highlighted the changes from Version 1, so they can be added quickly.

David has also supplied a copy of the PPE order request form.  David is recommending that schools obtain a small number of fluid-resistant surgical face masks (5-10) in the event that they have a pupil becomes symptomatic in school; these can be requested via the corporate procurement route if they are struggling with their regular suppliers of this type of equipment.

The documents below are for schools to use in preparation for opening to more pupils from w/c 1st June, to enable schools to work out their staffing capacity:

Reopening Schools Toolkit

Emma Hollis (one of our fantastic School Improvement Advisors) has shared with us this really helpful toolkit:

Collection of guidance for educational settings on GOV.UK

All of the Department for Education’s coronavirus guidance for educational settings can now be found in one place on GOV.UK at:

The GOV.UK website features all the information that is circulated in the DfE’s daily Coronavirus briefing to schools and children’s social care staff. Hopefully you will already be receiving these emails but if not, you can sign up to receive updates.

About Coronavirus / what to do

What to do if a child starts to show symptoms of Coronavirus whilst at school:

Information about Coronavirus in different languages:

Example Communications with Parents/Children


Advice for Governors

Governors at Haydn have shared with us this article from the National Governors Association which outlines ways in which Governors might best offer support their schools during this difficult stage of planning potential re-opening and navigating the complexities of the Government’s strategy.


Nicky at Robin Hood has shared with us a copy of the fortnightly report that she has created for Governors:



A copy of the Local Authority’s Death in Service policy is available here:

Hospital and Home Education Learning Centre have provided an exemplar Bereavement Guidance and Support document, should you wish to use it:


Sick Pay and Leave Advice
Notice Periods

Joint employer and union statement – notice periods for teachers and school leaders 30th March:


Free School Meals

Temporary FSM extension:

While schools are partially open or shut due to COVID-19 lockdown, the government is giving Free School Meals (FSM) to children of groups who have no recourse to public funds (NRFP). It covers both children who are attending school and children who are at home.

Please contact if you have any questions.

Government information:

Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

There has been an increase both locally and nationally of reported domestic abuse incidents and calls to support services relating to domestic violence and abuse since the lockdown period began. The next day notification system is still operating and schools will continue to receive email notification of any incidents reported to the police where a child is present as usual. Schools should use this information to inform ongoing safe and well checks or to consider whether any sessions in school might be appropriate if the children are not currently attending.

If a parent/survivor needs to access support services, counselling or requires respite we would expect schools would support this in providing places where needed given the vulnerability of the children whether they have a social work assigned or not.

Please see Equation’s page with advice for professionals with regards to domestic abuse and sexual violence during this period:

Here is a document that details services available with regards to domestic abuse and sexual violence:

LGA Advice

The LGA have provided guidance reflecting some of the key issues that members have raised, in advance of the re-opening of schools.

The LGA have released some updated advice, which includes some clarity and guidance around: Hubs; Flexibility around annual leave and rest periods; Bank holidays in the Easter hols; Funding issues; Furloughing; Temporary employees and casuals:


Tax Relief for Employees Working at Home

Employees who are working from home can claim tax relief for expenses incurred as a result of working from home.  Details of how to claim and what are eligible costs can be found on the website at: